EUROPAN 16. Levanger (NO)

Year 2021



Diego Díaz Mosqueira

Gustavo Figueira Serrano



Alvaro Itarte



Bump Estudio



Levanger, Norway



The Europan 16 project for Levanger, titled “Reveal, Relink, Rebuild,” focuses on the sustainable revitalization of this historic Norwegian town by leveraging its existing nature, heritage, and social values across three complementary scales: regional, urban, and architectural.


Revealed Landscape

Levanger’s natural setting is remarkable, situated where the Levangerelva river meets the Trondheimsfjorden, and characterized by unique biodiversity found in Eidsbotn and the nearby farmlands. However, current urban development has disconnected the town from these natural surroundings. The project proposes a new walkable and cyclable promenade to connect Levanger’s historical center with its natural environment. This integration aims to enhance public awareness and appreciation of the area’s rich biodiversity and landscape.


Relinked Heritage

Levanger’s historical status should be viewed as an asset rather than a hindrance. The strategy seeks to maximize public space use, preserving the town’s park axis and timber houses while fostering an egalitarian and collaborative environment. The “E-Levanger” digital twin model will provide up-to-date information on town events, enabling citizens to book or share indoor and outdoor spaces in historical buildings for cultural and educational activities, thereby modernizing and revitalizing the town’s social fabric.


Rebuilt Future: Levanger 2030

Levanger aims to align with UNESCO’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, focusing on sustainable urban revitalization. The town’s development strategy is closely tied to four Sustainable Development Goals: promoting sustained, inclusive economic growth; creating inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities; and protecting terrestrial and marine ecosystems. By 2030, Levanger aspires to be a hub for new businesses and employment, fostering an inclusive and healthy environment in harmony with its natural surroundings.


A New Urban Living Room

Transforming Levanger’s historical park axis into a new urban living room for citizens and visitors involves reducing car traffic and increasing walkable and cyclable areas, significantly improving urban quality. The project respects historical features, preserving trees and green spaces while attracting new businesses to the city center. Inspired by research on creative cities, the project hypothesizes that developing more dynamic urban spaces will attract young talent and enhance the town’s social and economic vitality.

The urban strategy materializes through three complementary approaches: redesigning street typologies, creating a collaborative and dynamic park for cultural venues, and establishing a covered open square, or “agora,” that connects residential areas with the town center above the train tracks. These efforts aim to create a vibrant and attractive urban environment.


Media Evolution Hub: Culture Centre and Library

The new library and cultural hub aim to be a focal point for culture, social relations, learning, entrepreneurialism, and innovation. The building’s design focuses on three main concepts: connecting the railway infrastructure with the historical park axis, expanding the program towards public spaces, and promoting culture and knowledge as central to Levanger’s identity. The ground floor is designed as an open, flexible space that can extend outdoors, enhancing its immediate surroundings and urban quality.

The library, located on the upper level, serves as a new urban reference for promoting culture and knowledge, aligning with the town hall’s elevation. The construction system, based on traditional timber systems, integrates with the heritage site while promoting local employment and using industrialized processes to minimize the project’s carbon footprint. The negative emissions from timber construction offset the CO2 emissions of conventional building materials, contributing to sustainability.


Step-by-Step Transformation

The transformation of Levanger’s library and cultural center is planned in two phases. Phase one includes constructing the new library and cultural center, an underground parking facility for 102 cars, and renovating the town hall’s back courtyard into an “arts square.” Phase two involves building the covered agora or stage, a walkable/cyclable bridge promenade connecting the park city axis with the residential area of Ankolm above the river and rail tracks, and optionally extending the underground parking for 97 more cars.

In conclusion, the Europan 16 project for Levanger is a comprehensive urban revitalization initiative that aims to harmonize the town’s historical heritage with its natural surroundings, promoting sustainable development, economic growth, and social inclusivity. The project’s phased approach ensures a balanced and progressive transformation, positioning Levanger as a model of sustainable urban development.